Leaving the chaotic currents to meet the calm below







Philosophy of Kemetic Yoga

The philosophic principles of Kemetic Yoga place emphasis on the rejuvenation of the entire body and mind, and not just physical development of outer muscles and flexibility. Kemetic Yoga teaches you the skill to ease yourself into a posture as opposed to forcing yourself into it. Most importantly, Kemetic Yoga emphasizes control of the breath. The breath is the life force, and we use the breath to “flow” through the movements from one posture to the next.

Key Principles of Kemetic Yoga

  • Kemetic Yoga postures that are not known in Indian Yoga
  • The method of performing these postures emphasizes body alignment and geometric progression
  • The emphasis of breath control that stimulates the autonomic nervous system in our daily lives. This helps to reduce stress and increase productivity and creativity.
  • The symbols found in ancient Egypt represents Yogic concepts.


Knowledge provided by KemeticYoga.com